Sunday, February 12, 2006

Emails from my one Mormon fan

Hi, Maureen. My name is Cliff Mayes and I'm a professor of educational psychology at BYU. I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your "Tanzanian Paper" article. It was hilarious! I'm forwarding the address of the "article" on to many of my colleagues here at Brigham Young. Keep up the good work! Mormons, like Catholics, believing that we have the "true" church, don't laugh at ourselves nearly enough. Thanks again for the good chuckles. My wife loved it too.

Indeed, I think you’d find that it would play pretty well in Mormondom in general—all the more so as there is a lot of positive regard for Catholicism in Mormondom. John Paul II was a very big hero in our culture. We loved him dearly (but then again, who didn’t?) and Pope Benedict XVI is also clearly a great defender and exemplar of the Gospel.

All the best,

Cliff Mayes

Clifford Mayes, Ph.D., Psy.D.

Associate Professor

Educational Psychology

McKay School of Education, 306-D

Brigham Young University

Provo, Utah 84606


Striving to be a Higher Being